1975; original 78.5 x 61.5 cm
reproduction: printed 200 gsm satin
60% (approx.) original size
custom size on request
Negative Attitudes
Editors’ note: Insincerity is self-deception. It stems from selfishness and the body’s domination of the real self. An insincere
person will live more in the ego, and the conscience will not have much opportunity to assert itself. Most people have insincerity to some
degree and you have to struggle against it whenever you see it, because it will block development if you let it get away with you. Unless a
person is sincere it is impossible for him to become impartial either to himself or those about him. While insincerity is one of the twelve
chief features, it is not a common one; anyone with this chief feature would be a pathological liar.